So here we are, at the end of the craziest, most challenging year in modern memory. Most of us had a hard time adjusting to the ‘new normal’ of living during a pandemic, and along with so many others, our business was greatly impacted. Wedding dates changed and changed again, weddings were cancelled, postponed, or went micro, but we worked when restrictions allowed and we are so thankful to those couples who went ahead with their plans despite all the challenges and obstacles.
One thing that I did love about 2020 was learning to notice the joy in the little things. I baked, spent so much time working in the garden, and read lots and lots of books. (Everything from Dickens to the Witcher!) I edited all of our family pictures going back to 2006 - then designed an album for each year and yes, we also homeschooled - I really hope we will never have to do that again!
Despite all the heartbreak and worry that the year brought, we still feel ourselves very fortunate to have photographed twelve wonderful weddings in 2020 and we are so happy that we can still share with you this roundup of our best of 2020 wedding photography.